Friday, January 21, 2005

A Morning Stream of Consciousness

Normally I have a good idea of what I want to post about in the morning. It comes from thinking about it as I lay in bed in that state of being awake but just barely and into then the transition to full awake-hood.

This morning I got nothing. So I thought I'd just ramble for a bit.

Has anyone else noticed that football now stretches all the way to pitchers and catchers in baseball? I wonder how many people have become just two sport fans because of that. Personally I don't miss the NHL much and I don't pay much attention to basketball at all (and basketball used to be my favorite).

100 years from now will future generations look back at the way Condi Rice is treated and conclude that the Democratic Party was racist? Look at some of the political cartoons of her and tell me there isn't truth in that statement.

I'm glad that Bush had his inauguration. People who complain that he shouldn't have had the parties and such just don't get it. Inauguaration Day is the traditional day where power is transferred peacefully in this country. It is an example to the world. It should be celebrated con mucho gusto. All the talk about "we should have donated that $40 million to tsunami relief" bugs me to no end.

First - does anyone think that John Kerry would have put off having Inauguaral Balls and galas? Fat chance. The Hollywood types would have been tripping over themselves, spending money left and right on their parties. I noticd that they still held their Peoples Choice Awards. They didn't say "ooh maybe we should donate the production costs to tsunami relief and then maybe we can all auction off our awards on eBay to raise more money." They hold many of these "look-at-us-fests" disguised as Awards shows but they think the Inauguaration is garish? Yesterday was the celebration of the real people's choice award and George W. Bush got his time on stage to accept his award. Get over it.

Finally - if I were casting a movie about the Blogosphere - I'd cast Richard Moll (from Night Court fame) as Big Stupid Tommy. No reason. I'd just like to get Richard Moll some work. I haven't seen him for a while.

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