Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Air America and Katrina Relief

After reading these revelations from Michele Malkin regarding the duplicity of Al Franken in the Air America scandal and then this follow up by Captain Ed - I was left wondering if Air America is running some sort of relief effort for the victims of Katrina. If so - who would trust them with their money after what Air America did to the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Clubs?

On their site they have links to the American Red Cross and America's Second Harvest plus a button for "Clear Channel StormAid". This strikes me as a bit odd. Most times a media outlet does fund raising they try to collect the money so that they can say "we here at XYZ with the help of our listeners have raised over $1 million (or whatever number) on behalf of the victims of (insert name of disaster)". The media outlet doesn't take any of the money but they do benefit from the PR and goodwill generated by such a drive. By not collecting the money directly - is this an admission that they're not to be trusted with non-profit funds? Maybe its a legal restriction placed on them because of pending lawsuits (like how you don't allow an accused child molester to continue to run a baby sitting service)?

It just got me wondering - that's all.

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