Monday, December 19, 2005

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

I was out watching the Colts / Chargers game at a bar (I know you are all shocked at that revelation). Anyway, late in the 4th quarter the Colts were losing and failed to score and had to punt it away. The camera cut away to Peyton Manning and it looked like he was tearing up. Three guys in separate parts of the bar all said, "Look - he's crying!" all at the same time. My buddy Tim asked, "Can you ever imagine Tom Brady acting like that?" And my buddy Steve said, "That's so Dan Marino." I thought that last comment was just perfect... The Rams pulled QB and Harvard grad Ryan Fitzpatrick in the 4th quarter yesterday. Fitzpatrick could be the QB of the future but he needs the experience. If the Rams were smart they would let him play and keep developing. This space is not going to accuse the Rams of being smart however... Bill Gates, his wife and rock star Bono have been named Time Magazine's Persons of the Year. To balance out Bono's sanctimonious factor (he even looks smug/angry on the Time cover) - this article by Paul Theroux (The Rock Star's Burden) should be must reading. I agree with Theroux 100%... You may have missed this (I know I did) but Erik Meyer, the QB from Eastern Washington won the 2005 Walter Payton Award... Tomorrow is arbitration day in baseball and after tomorrow I would expect the Hot Stove to really heat up till Christmas Day... You know I have to hand it to Peter King. A couple of weeks ago, he had moved the Patriots up to the 3rd slot in his fine 15 and many (including me) mocked him for that. Would anyone argue with that ranking today? Is there anyone who wants to play the Patriots in the playoffs?... I too am on the Jeremy Reed bandwagon...

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