Thursday, May 04, 2006

Babe Dahlgren Day

I was remiss in not bringing up Babe Dahlgren Day which is celebrated every May 2nd (by at least one person - me).

George Bernard Shaw once said, "Martyrdom is the only way in which a man can become famous without ability." I don't think GBS was familiar with the Chance Gardiner Being There effect.

Some people without ability (or much ability) become famous simply for "being there." Babe Dahlgren was a great example of that.

On May 2nd in 1939, Lou Gehrig took himself out of the line-up to break his string of consecutive games at 2,130. Gehrig was replaced by Babe Dahlgren - who was pretty much the Todd Benzinger of his day but now is famous every May 2nd just for "being there."

Everyone remembers Wally Pipp who called in sick one day and was forever replaced by Gehrig at first base. I want Babe Dahlgren to be at least as famous as Pipp.

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