Monday, July 24, 2006

A Question for John Kerry

Many in the blogosphere are abuzz over John Kerry's hubris comment about the current conflict between Israel and Hezzbolah. Kerry said, "If I was president, this wouldn't have happened." Woody at GM's Corner and Betsy Newmark have both called into question what Kerry would have done different.

My question for John Kerry is different. I want to know why John Kerry is not at work.

The Senate is still in session which means John Kerry is supposed to be in Washington doing the job he was elected to do. Instead John Kerry is jaunting from place to place. Friday in New Orleans, Saturday in South Carolina and Sunday in Michigan. Now Saturday and Sunday are obviously weekend days but on Friday John Kerry should have been expected to be on the job in Washington. During the campaign for President (and even prior to that) - Kerry was notoriouly absent from his responsibilities of being a representative of the State of Massachusetts and doing his duties as a Senator.

You would think that Kerry, having used up all his sick and vacation days during the campaign, would be extra careful about attending to his duties now. However, John Kerry just doesn't seem to care about doing the job he signed on for and so continues to be absent without leave from the Halls of Congress.

I think it is time Darrell Crate put the Veterans for Working Senators back into action.

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