Thursday, June 07, 2007

Top 10 Sports Blogs

Mr. Irrelevant has a list of what he considers to be the top 10 sports blog.

I won't argue the choices because they are all excellent blogs. I will say that the following blogs are just as good and should be mentioned in at least the same breath as the top 10 listed.

- Cold, Hard Football Facts (the go to place for NFL analysis)
- Hardball Times (I think it may not be as good as last year but still the place to go for MLB analysis)

I can understand if the reasoning for not including these two sites is because they seem more like web magazines than blogs but other than that - these two sites are as good as anything on the Internets.

These blogs are true blogs and while not deserving of top honors - they do merit honorable mention at least.

- (was a top 10 in the past but since Aaron started on his pay jobs his blog has suffered)
- Touching All the Bases (quality is as good as anywhere but the once a week posting keeps it from top honors)
- Off Wing Opinion (Eric is as good a writer as there is on the net but the site is geared around the NHL - points are taken off for that - sorry Eric)
- Blog Maverick (Mark Cuban's blog misses the cut because it's about technology as much as it is about sports - that doesn't take away from the quality of the blog but it does take it out of the running of pure sports blogs)
- Tao of Poker (Pauly deserves mention but since poker really isn't a sport - he gets points off)

I would also like to mention Mike Reiss and Rob Bradford but since their blogs are part of their MSM beat assignments for the Boston Globe and Boston Herald respectively - I'm not sure if they really qualify in the spirit of the rankings.

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