Thursday, March 20, 2008

Red Sox Boycott

By now you've probably heard that the Red Sox players were prepared to boycott both yesterday's exhibition game and the trip to Japan if the the coaches and support personnel were not paid the stipend they were PROMISED by MLB. My hat is off to the Red Sox players for taking a stand for their coaches and support people.

There was a time when a man's word was his bond. That doesn't seem to be the case with Bud Selig's baseball operation people. Once a used car salesman - always a used car salesman. This morning the issue is being spun as a "miscommunication" or a "misunderstanding". What it was was an attempted screw-job by MLB. My understanding is that Terry Francona spent his entire Tuesday trying to work this out but it was only when a nationally broadcast boycott reared its head that the front office of baseball agreed to honor their word.

This is akin to buying a car from a used car lot and finding a problem. Even though before the purchase the salesman promised to take care of any mechanical issue you find that the car lot is not willing to fix the problem. Only after going to the lengths of parading in front of the car lot with a sign saying "This place sold me a lemon" and driving off potential new sales do you get any satisfaction.

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