Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Interesting long read look at The Athletic and how they are now trying to take over sports reporting in the UK (or more correctly the Premiere League because many soccer fans are international based not necessarily confined to the city of the clubs). As an aside I've been a subscriber to The Athletic for quite a while now and enjoy their content.

- "Keep working." Excellent advice.

- One year update from Alex Trebek. How can you not root for this man?

- Why String Theory is such a dream and a nightmare. Got a sneaking suspicion that physicists from the future will scratch their heads wondering why we believed in String Theory. HT Stephen Landry

- Jack Welsh's approach to leadership

- How Tesla sets itself apart


  1. Much as i like Somme of the contributors at the A I'll never be giving them money. Subscribing to a magazine or newspaper (when such things existed) got you the content for as long as you subscribed and access to the back issues for as looking as you cared to keep them. No website gives you comparable access. They're all a scam.

  2. I look at the Athletic subscription as a replacement for what I used to pay for the Boston Globe just to read their sports section. In high school and college reading the Globe sports was a daily ritual. Sports news by its definition is fleeting so not really worried about access to back issues.
