Saturday, August 22, 2020

Linky Links

 Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Storing energy in red bricks. Common red bricks. Just "50 bricks would enable powering emergency lighting for five hours." Still trying to wrap my head around this.

- Sweden's disease expert says just wearing masks could be "very dangerous."

- Funny because there could be a grain of truth to it!

- Also funny because there could be a grain of truth to it!

- A college kid's fake AI generated blog becomes one of the most popular on the web. This is a little scary when you think of the potential ramifications and uses. I was amused by him choosing a "blog category that doesn't require vigorous logic: productivity and self-help."

- Fantastic Roger Moore story. He was such a gentleman.


  1. The Roger Moore story is charming, if only more celebrities were like him. I have heard there are some real jerks out there.

  2. Bricks are cheap. Advanced polymers embedded in bricks to produce power aren't.
