Monday, November 16, 2020

Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art

 Recently finished James Nestor's Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art  and I recommend it highly. This book literally changed the way I live. Some of the changes include:

- I no longer breath through my mouth. One simple change that almost anyone can do. 

- Now during commercials while listening to podcasts or watching TV I do breath exercises. Either six count inhales and exhales or lengthened exhales. I also hope to start the practice of doing breath exercises every morning and night.

- Now I chew gum for a few hours a day. Read the book to find out why

Also sometime in the next twelve months I hope to do a class in the Wim Hoff Method. I may have said this before but writing it here publicly I may subconsciously work harder to make that happen.

The book also has an appendix of the different breath exercises discussed. I'll be sure to go back to re-read that section periodically.

And as if on que to demonstrate the power of the breath - an article on how breathing can get rid of hangovers.      


  1. I loved the book as well. I was diagnosed with Asthma at about 6 months old. This is one of the most important books I have ever read. The book talks about George Catlin and his Shut Your Mouth and Save Your Life book from the 1830's. You can down load the PDF online for free.

  2. I can't recommend the book enough. Knowing that reading isn't for everyone I'd also suggest James Nestor on the Joe Rogan Podcast(that's where I first heard of the book)

  3. I saw that Podcast as well. It is why I bought the book. Excellent.

  4. Part of the reason I feel so good after Yoga class. I will look into the book.
