Friday, July 23, 2021

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- VDH: Democrats No More. "So what happened to turn the party of Harry Truman, JFK, and even Bill Clinton into a woke neo-Marxist movement?" Good question.

- Matt Taibbi: The overlooked factors in police abuse cases. Article is as much a criticism of Malcom Gladwell as the police but good writing nonetheless. Liked this quip about Gladwell, "an intellectual drive-thru quality to his approach." 

- I support Eric Clapton's position. However, I feel that Dave Chappelle's is more practical. Chappelle has his audience tested (takes 15 minutes) prior to entrance into the arena with a negative test required for entry (he also takes away your cell phone but that's a separate topic).

- Matt Taibbi: The trillion-dollar lie. Two from Taibbi this morning but student loans is another area in desperate need of reform.


  1. To answer your question, JFK got himself shot, Teddy K balkanized the nation LBJ made race politics normal, and Joe F'n Biden (along with Teddy again) destroyed Robert Bork, polarizing the judiciary as a cheap shortcut to enacting and protecting disfavored and unconstitutional legislation.

  2. Jimmy Carter and Michael Dukakis made "liberal" a dirty word in politics. I admit I liked it better back then when people seemed to have some common sense.

    My hope is "socialist" or "socialism" become the third rail in politics. As it should be.

  3. One could as a similar question about the party of Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln. Both parties seem to have lost the way to progress in order to belittle the other.

  4. Vince absolutely true! Think that's why so many people these days register as Independents because neither party can really identify what their core beliefs are anymore.
