Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Miscellaneous Thoughts

Some thoughts while I have my first cup of coffee...

Bill Parcells' "Jap plays" comments are a tempest in a teacup and the oxygen being used discussing them is going to waste... The captain's skate with the Stanley Cup raised over his head has to be the coolest moment is sports... Wouldn't Billy Gates-Gruff be a good title for the story of Microsoft's rise to power?... Ronald Reagan quote of the day, "I have seen the rise and fall of Nazi tyranny, the subsequent cold war and the nuclear nightmare that for fifty years haunted the dreams of children everywhere. During that time my generation defeated totalitarianism. As a result, your world is poised for better tomorrows. What will you do on your journey?"... Heh heh - from TodayinBaseballHistory.com - "1921 - Babe Ruth is arrested for speeding in New York, fined $100, and held in jail until 4:00 PM. Game time is 3:15, so a uniform is taken to him. He changes in jail and follows a police escort to the ballpark where he enters with New York trailing 3-2. The Yanks rally for a 4-3 win."... I should have pointed out in my post on Brad Radke that he is almost a guaranteed 200 IP per year and is much more a staff ace in my mind than Bartolo Colon, Sidney Ponson, Kevin Millwood or Derek Lowe will ever be...

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