Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- This is a pretty interesting power ranking of the Top 25 College football teams.

- I'm excited to see Catch-22 brought to life as a 6 episode mini-series. Strange how there seems to be so little buzz about this project.

- Newly released Eric Holder memo: Feds can use FISA to spy on journalists. OK - next question: what journalists did the Obama Administration spy on if any?

- Tesla shares drop after its announced DOJ requested documents after Elon Musk's "taking company private" comments. Always something in Musk World.

- Interesting observation on Korea from Scott Adams

- This actually looks like a pretty cool idea (I'd probably never wear one though)

- Climate alarmism fails the scientific test of observation

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