Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- If you want to save the world, veganism isn't the answer. Soil erosion is arguably a much bigger problem than climate change.

- Mass State Police have tested out Boston Dynamics Spot the robot dog and even have used the robot on a couple of instances. I'm of two minds on this.

- Heh Heh

- Neil Gaiman's 8 rules for writing

- Celtic's Jayson Tatum saves every dollar of his NBA salary and lives off his endorsement money. Gronk was the first pro athlete I heard doing this but it seems like it's becoming a trend.

- The UK has called on China to allow UN observers "immediate and unfettered access" to the Xingjiang region where over a million Uighur Muslims are being held in "camps."  I'm afraid the words "Never Again" have lost their meaning.

- Fascinating look at the beating heart of a Blue Whale

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