Saturday, March 14, 2020

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- 3M CEO: "We're going 24/7 up production of masks to coronavirus demands."  That's great but how about bringing the production of those masks back to the USA and out of China!

- How do the new coronavirus Wuhan virus tests actually work?

- Even the Masters has been cancelled postponed.

- I fully believe that small modular nuclear reactors are the future of energy production.

- It would be beautiful if victory over the Wuhan Virus and an end of self-quarantining is announced via a flash mob and the Ode to Joy. Till then this is sadly nostalgic.

- With most live sports cancelled how will ESPN fill its air-time?

- Is it me or does this Tesla Cybertruck video give off a Knight Rider vibe? Elon Musk as the new Michael Rider - make it so!

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