Saturday, July 03, 2021

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

Happy 4th of July weekend... How soon before we get woke math? Specifically I can see some moron math teacher arguing that it is unfair to all the other even natural numbers that there's only one even Prime number and what if another even number self-identifies as Prime? Crazy yes but not out of the realm of possible these days...  Some hospitals have started posting their prices online. Good tip - Google the name of the hospital and "price transparency" before having anything done and maybe do the same for another alternative hospital... Reminder that in his senior year of high school Tom Brady's team went just 5-5 even though they had Tom Brady at QB. That means out in California there's 5 guys in their early 40's who can brag that they beat Tom Brady...  I have a good feeling that this may finally be the year that People Magazine names me "Sexiest Man Alive." I've got my fingers crossed. I mean time may be running out for Sexiest Man Alive award which could be replaced anytime because "Sexiest" and "Man" aren't really politically correct anymore... 

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