Saturday, October 02, 2021

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Cannabis jobs are booming.  Article also seems like a stealth propaganda piece for unionizing these jobs which would be a mistake. Legal weed will be successful as long as its less expensive than illegal weed. Union labor costs on top of the significant taxes already added to the product would make that a difficult equation.

- The NYT's Partisan Tale about COVID. You should question anything you read in the NYT. They are not a trustworthy source of information.

- Heh Heh

- COVID - the Plague of the Poor. Such a great article! Make this today's "must read!" Two stats jumped out at me because I was unaware of them: "In 1975 there were 1.5 million hospital beds available in the United States; in 2019 there were only 920,000. To make matters worse, hospitals lost an estimated $50 billion a month during lockdowns in 2020."

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