Monday, March 07, 2022

How are the Big Sanctions Hurting Russia So Far?

Noah Smith with an interesting look at how the "Big Sanctions" are working in Russia.  The bottom line? "It's pretty clear that in any conceivable economic or financial terms, this was not worth it for Russia."

Noah also points out that Russia's one main saving grace may be oil exports. Where are all those Code Pink pussy hats when it really is a situation that calls for "no blood for oil?" 


  1. you know, people keep telling me that Russia is losing, and it is not worth it, putin is deranged, the people of russia are suffering, the oligarchs do not support him, etc etc.

    I am not sure any of that is true.

  2. I don't pretend to know how much of any of the things being reported are actually true. I've grown too skeptical of all media
