Friday, October 07, 2022

The Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Sabotage?

As far as conspiracy theories go - this one that the US torpedoed the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is pretty convincing. Backed up with some questionable verifiable actions on the part of the Biden Administration and the military (HT to American Digest for the link). 

To me the Occam's Razor explanation still remains that Russian "maintenance" and what happens to pipelines not properly maintained sounds like the correct explanation but...

Given Joe Biden's track record this new conspiracy theory gives me pause. Take for example Joe blocking Trump's plan to refill the SPR (Strategic Petroleum Reserve) at $24 a barrel only to now have to empty the SPR because OPEC+ has given him the middle finger and oil is now hovering around $100 a barrel. And more importantly Biden's actions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline itself where one of the first things he did as President was remove the sanctions Trump had put in place that was preventing the completion of the pipeline in the first place. 

From a Glenn Greenwald article from May 2021:

Trump - even as he was shrilly depicted as an agent of the Kremlin - was obsessed with stopping the Russian pipeline and thus sabotaging Putin's key geopolitical project.

Greenwald's choice of the word "sabotaging" is certainly ironic given the circumstances. It would be par for the course for Joe Biden to remove the hurdles to Putin to get the pipeline completed only to later have to risk an act of war with Russia to destroy it.

As Barack Obama once said, "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up." 

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