Thursday, March 07, 2024

Troubled by Rob Henderson

"Even if a young man learns absolutely nothing during a military enlistment, that's still four to six years he spent simply staying out of trouble and letting his brain develop; the same guy at twenty-four is rarely as reckless and impulsive as he was at eighteen. The reason my life didn't go off the rails is because I was just self-aware enough to decide to have my choices stripped from me." - Rob Henderson Troubled

Was aware that Henderson had a rough childhood in foster homes but later made it to top colleges in Yale and Cambridge. Was ignorant of his time in the Air Force. Guess I should have read the read the quote from Jordan Petersen before hand.

"A captivating memoir about the travails of foster care, the discipline of military service, the imprtance of family, and the shock of what has become of the elite universities, told with a clear voice and focused determination." - Jordan Petersen

Thanks for the book Bob.

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