Monday, July 08, 2024

Monday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Sorry that again many of my thoughts and observations are on Joe Biden fading to dust before our very eyes. This could make the August DNC convention in Chicago even more interesting. Look for Harris' people to argue that the best chance to beat Trump is to keep the ticket intact (because they also realize that is also her best chance for Kamala to become President). Others will argue that the best chance to beat Trump will be to replace Harris with someone young and smart as VP who voters will feel comfortable stepping up to be President if needed. Harris's people will float the idea that if a woman of color isn't the choice for VP then both women and people of color could sit out the election or worse vote for Trump. Nominating someone like AOC to be VP will only generate arguments that she's actually dumber than Harris. Still others will argue the best course is to replace Biden altogether and potential candidates will come out of the woodwork to put themselves forward. As I said - interesting.

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