Thursday, May 16, 2024

Grant by Ron Chernow

"The caricature of Lee as elegant and faultless whereas Grant was a clumsy butcher misses the point that Grant had the much harder task: he had to whittle down the Confederate army and smash it irrevocably, whereas Lee needed only to inflict massive pain on the northern army and stay in the fight for another day."

"The major victories of Sherman, Sheridan, and Thomas in 1864-65 would occur under Grant's direct supervision, yet he is frequently denied credit for his overall effort of the Union war effort. His epic confrontation with Lee in 1864-65 was just one facet of his farsighted leadership. 'Grant's strategy embraced a continent: Lee's a small state,' wrote Sherman. 'Grant's logistics were to supply and transport armies thousands of miles, where Lee was limited to hundreds.'"


  1. Grant's strategy against Lee was as simple as it was effective. Attack. If you win today, attack again tomorrow. If you lose today, attack again tomorrow. The North had an enormous quantity of reinforcements and supplies. The South did not.

  2. Agree that Grant's strategy was right and it is argued that some of the inefficiency of politically appointed sacred cow Democratic generals caused the war to last a year longer. Granted wanted these generals removed but Lincoln was in too tenuous a position to do it. Grant needed Lincoln so those generals like Butler remained.
