Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Currently Reading - Master and Commander

Currently reading Master and Commander - the first of the Captain Jack Aubrey tales by Patrick O'Brien. You'll be forgiven for thinking this was the first of a set of ageless classics but it came out barely 50-years ago in 1970.

Many will consider me a slacker because I'm finally getting around to reading what many consider a "must read" but I hope I'll be forgiven. In my defense I have seen the Russell Crow movie of the same name and even seen the real life Sophie as it's berthed in San Diego harbor (although it looks tiny next to modern day US aircraft carriers and was renamed Star of India for the movie). 

Even though the movie was not written until 1970, it is easy to get lost in the language from an earlier day and from a naval background far from the usual fictional fare. The last naval novel I read was The Good Shepherd although I struggle to picture Captain Jack Aubrey battling submarines. 

Looking forward to finishing this and continuing on in the series.


  1. Glad you got started. The Aubrey/Maturin partnership is one for the ages. You have a 1,000 hours of enjoyment in front of you. Bon voyage. S

  2. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I've stalled out in volume 15 of the series... my minor thoughts on the first 14 are here.

    Personally, I find the readers companion with maps and commentary on every book quite helpful, and there is also a cookbook of naval recipes out there, as well as a few compilation cds... and hundreds of other expanding pieces I haven't gotten to yet.

  3. DavidH2:57 PM

    Having just watched Greyhound on Apple TV, which is based on The Good Shepard, I'm tempted to read it as well.

    Regarding the Patrick O'Brien series, it's fantastic -- the beginning of Master and Commander is a bit slow, but the whole thing picks up from there.

    If you're so inclined, the audio books of the series narrated by Patrick Tull are well worth the time.

  4. Stretch4:17 PM

    Supplemental books to aid your reading:
    A Sea of Words: A Lexicon and Companion to the Complete Seafaring Tales of Patrick O'Brian by Dean King and John B. Hattendorf
    Harbors and High Seas, 3rd Edition : An Atlas and Geographical Guide to the Complete Aubrey-Maturin Novels of Patrick O'Brian, Third Edition
    The Patrick O'Brian Muster Book: Persons, Animals, Ships and Cannon in the Aubrey-Maturin Sea Novels by Anthony Gary Brown
    Nelson's Navy (Osprey Elite Series #48) by Haythornthwaite and Younghusband
    Men-of-War; Life in Nelson's Navy by Patrick O'Brian

    OCD? Moi?

  5. Have you read any of the RCN (Republic of Cinnabar Navy) series by David Drake? It's essentially the Royal Navy in space, complete with sails and riggers, and is an homage to the Aubrey / Maturin stories. Great fun.

  6. David - the beginning is a bit slow as the author wants to make sure the reader if familiar with the vessel. So understandable. Would rather plow through than be confused.

    Stretch and JKS - thanks for the additional reading material. Much appreciated. Going through a history of Ancient Rome at the same time. Switching back and forth is quite a trip.

  7. Tried reading your Master and Commander summary but Goodreads makes it way too cumbersome just to read the article. They want my first born child or way too much personal info. Thanks for the effort though.

  8. If you're interested in ancient Rome, I think you'd really enjoy the SPQR series of novels by John Maddox Roberts. They're narrated by Decius Caecilius Metellus the Younger and follow his career from the end of the Republic through the reign of Augustus. They give a fascinating first-person perspective on Roman life and politics and are full of intrigue and mayhem, and often involve murder mysteries. Easy reading and often humorous, but historically authentic as well.

  9. Currently reading the SPQR book by Mary Beard. Also have Tom Holland's book Pax on my list. Will put your SPQR series on my list.

