Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Glenn Greenwald on the Pressure on Spotify

Steve Rodgers, "I don't like bullies. I don't care where they're from."

Glenn Greenwald on the pressure on Spotify to "silence" Joe Rogan. Misinformation is the new "hate speech" tool being used to censor those who disagree with the preferred progressive narrative. Ironic when you recall that when Donald Trump spoke about "Fake News" people accused him of making things up.

How many airheads with a platform like Sean Penn and Danny Glover advocating for Hugo Chavez before Chavez destroyed Venezuela do we need to listen to before we tell these people to fuck off? Everything can't be hate speech and everyone can't be racists and every opinion that differs from yours isn't misinformation. Enough!

Fuck off! I stand with Joe Rogan and with free speech.

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