Friday, November 04, 2022

Gunga Din


One piece of Hollywood's past that has quietly been cancelled, even before Woke Culture, is the movie Gunga Din. Despite having big name stars like Cary Grant and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. in the cast, the image of white actor Sam Jaffe basically in full body balckface playing the title character has left modern audiences with a sense of just wrongness. Think most movie channels and other outlets just quietly decided there was no reason to show this movie anymore. 

One small piece of Hollywood trivia - Sam Jaffe, the actor who played Gunga Din also played Professor Barnhardt in the classic The Day the Earth Stood Still,. I did not know that.


  1. Thanks for the reminder, I just went to Amazon to order a DVD copy -- I haven't seen that in years
    .Who decides what we may see or read anyway?

  2. Haven't seen it in years either. No idea why I was thinking about the movie this morning either.
