Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Wednesday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

No more political ads for another year and a half! Halleluiah!  If anything in the post makes you think or smile please subscribe, hit the like button, and share with others.


  1. Maybe no ads as such, but we will continue to be bombarded with highly biased and prejudicial "news" reports and will have to spend our time trying to discern what the truth is. As I see it not much will actually change.

  2. Don't think I agree. On my feed I choose who I follow and if they aren't providing content I find of value I unfollow. And if someone outside my feed pollutes my experience because others re-Tweet them - I simply mute the polluters. That way I have no idea what someone like Rob Reiner is spouting because he's been muted long ago.
