Tuesday, July 11, 2023

More Linky Links

More stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- AstraZeneca vaccine shown to increase risks of serious neurological conditions - including Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). Yeah right - just a coincidence. 

- Jonathan Turley on how the standards set forth by Mueller and FARA could be used against Hunter Biden. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

- China, Anthony Fauci, and Harvard University - the Harvard Connection. By now everyone should be aware that the pandemic came from the Wuhan lab and that all three are corrupt.

- More on the NYT disbanding its sports department. Forgot that the NYT had previously purchased The Athletic (to which I subscribe).


  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Well....they're not getting rid of the whole sports department, just the pesky part that was concerned with facts and reporting - "we will scale back the newsroom’s coverage of games, players, teams and leagues" - because facts and reporting isn't what they do, and hasn't been for a long time.

    They'll still pontificate and make demands and threats when their favored social issues aren't kowtowed to, and they'll call it reporting even though it's just Demagoguery at that point, which is all they really do anymore anyway.

  2. People who read the NYT get what they deserve.

    Still can't believe anyone pays for that newspaper.

  3. Anonymous11:22 PM

    They're coasting along as many other do - by forcing schoolchildren to purchase their worthless product every year for 'classes'. All those 'learn about stock markets' and other bullshit things 'educators' waste time on instead of teaching are either about self-aggrandizement or money - never about the kids.

  4. The easiest way to go broke is to follow the business advice in a newspaper to a tee.

    Haven't bought a newspaper or read a newspaper in decades. .
