Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Tonight is game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals which means starting tomorrow both the NBA and NHL are all done until next season and the only sports to bet on until football starts again in late August are baseball, golf, or soccer. I don't have the inclination to bet golf (outside the Masters) and no interest in soccer. In the past I'd bet the Red Sox or the Yankees or Dodgers the game after a loss with the idea none of those teams go on 2-game losing streaks. This season I have no interest in following the Red Sox and less interest in following results for New York or Los Angeles. Guess that means more beach and hiking time for me. As always please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Thanks!

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