Sunday, April 25, 2021

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

Elon Musk this week announced that Tesla Solar Panels and Solar Roof will only be sold as a package with Powerwall batteries. I predicted this about a year ago. Many of the Tesla products make natural packages which are good for the consumer and also good for Tesla's bottom line... The Biden Administration is not doing a good job with India. A horrible job actually... The government's reaction to Covid-19 can be honestly summered up as "We're confused and afraid so we're going to take away your freedoms." That's it - that's been their whole reaction... Another natural package for Elon Musk would be to integrate a SpaceX Starlink receiver into the Tesla Semi and offer mobile Internet as a service for all Semi trucks sold... People aren't getting into journalism for the money because there isn't any (anymore). In the past gifted writers like David Halberstam did get into journalism (Halberstam most notably as a correspondent in Vietnam). But today "the best and the brightest" are seeking career paths elsewhere. Makes you wonder if the best and brightest aren't going into journalism then what does that make those who are?... 


  1. As to Journalists, we get the worst and dumbest, just like are going into DNC politics, some 98% overlap between the fields.

    1. Now now, be fair. The worst and the dumbest become grade school teachers, where they can bully children with what limited knowledge they do possess and never have to gain new skills the rest of their life.

  2. Really believe we are starting to see a shift where the best writers on any given subject are the "amateur" bloggers who write on subjects they know or insights they have not for money or fame but because they like writing and sharing their knowledge.

    You could assemble a list of 100 bloggers on various subjects and have a better product than any given edition of the NYT.
