Saturday, March 04, 2023

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Ronald Speirs - Badass paratrooper or war criminal? The scene of Speirs taking over from Lt Dike from Band of Brothers gives me chills every time. (HT The Feral Irishman)

- Not a good way to convince people to buy your cars Ford

- Marc Andreessen is an interesting cat. Never read that before thought I had often heard people refer to it. I was more familiar with this Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

- On a related note - tourism to Canada jumps 2,000%


  1. I served as an officer in the navy. I was never involved in anything serious, but I hoped that if the time ever came - I would be like Speirs and not like Dike. You never know how someone will handle the pressure. The military culled out the weakest during initial training, at least.

  2. I agree. Should note that there's some involved how said the portrayal of Dykes was unfair. They really didn't show him in the best light on the show.

    Speirs taking over for Dyke is perhaps my favorite scene in the series.

    1. There's a somewhat similar scene in The Pacific. A big tough talking officer goes into a fetal position when the shit hits the fan and is useless. A bit too predictable. I get that you never know who is going to step up (be "clutch" to use a sports analogy), but I believe most of the time those that step up and meet the call are not a surprise. I don't think anyone was surprised that John Basilone rose to the occasion - you just would not have predicted how high/far he did it.

    2. Basilone was the man!
