Saturday, November 25, 2023

Democrats vs Republicans

This honestly surprised me on many levels. Surprised the numbers are so one sided but equally surprised how unions can remain so Democratically controlled when the hourly wage-earner is getting more and more conservative. Think that for every one Republican or Libertarian board member that's added that ROI for that company would increase 1% year over year. (Via)


  1. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Where are they all headquartered? California and Washington State? Maybe Austin TX? That should be a surprise how lopsided their contributions are. I wonder how many H1B's they have on their payrolls and their average tenure?

  2. Good points. Silicon Valley in in CA and many are solid Dems.

    Funny SpaceX is in Texas and federal government wanted them to hire more H1B's or straight out illegals.
