Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Sunlight inactives the Wuhan virus. Yet elected morons will close beaches, parks and golf course.


  1. When I was a teenager and was visiting my grandparents in Maine, I'd go swimming with neighbor's kids at various places around Winthrop (where my mom's parents lived) and Gray (where my dad's father lived). One of those places was Babb's Bridge! Glad to see they're keeping it up; it was in bad shape fifty years ago, the last time I was there.

  2. I keep my own internal list of "secret swimming holes" in New England and am constantly amazed at how disinterested most people are in swimming in fresh water anymore.

  3. Taibbi is interesting. He seems to really understand the problems of the Left, but he can't quite get himself red-pilled.
