Monday, August 21, 2023

Find Something Beautiful Today

Great view of the Moon and Earth taken from 1 million miles away. (Via) Headline stolen borrowed from Execupundit.


  1. Terrapod1:55 PM

    Something is not quite right with that photo. The entire earth hemisphere aligned with the camera is illuminated so the light source has to be perpendicular (give or take) to the image. That would mean that the moon's surface exposed to the vantage point of the craft taking the picture would also be illuminated. I get that the side of the moon not facing the earth is "the dark side" but that is just a word play, not reality insofar as the sun is concerned..

    What is it we are really looking at if not the moon?

  2. Understand the concern but isn't the light source the sun? And whatever was taking the picture was not directly in the way of the sun so it didn't cast a shadow.

    Still trying to understand the issue but do not eliminate the fact it could still be a Photoshop

  3. Terrpod8:09 PM

    The mystery is why the moon surface in not lit up as is earth. The craft with the camera would not be an issue, too small.

  4. Glad we agree on the shadow of the vehicle not being important because of its size. To me the moon does look lit up. It's a light brown not exactly what you'd expect from the "dark side of the moon." Looks lit up to me although still not discounting Photoshop.
