Monday, June 17, 2024

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Every week it seems Joe Biden seems to be making the case for being the worst US President in history. Question has to be asked if Merrick Garland has also been week by week making the case to be considered the worst Attorney General in history?

Watched this interview live on TV. The second part in Spanish was just as entertaining.

- Taxes

- Boston coach Joe Mazzulla on his Catholic faith. Knew the Celtics coach was a staunch Christian but didn't realize he was Catholic. Boston goes for their 18th championship title tonight.


  1. The DOJ refused to prosecute Eric Holder for Contempt of Congress as well. And they refused to prosecute Hillary Clinton. And they refused to prosecute Joe Biden. And none of the clients of Pedo Island have been indicted.

    It's almost like there's a pattern.

  2. It's almost like there was a common thread
