Friday, September 27, 2013

Cool Videos

Some cool videos I wanted to share.

- President George Bush's interview with the Golf Channel is well worth the 16 minutes of your time. President Bush is classy as always.  I've played a few times at the Cape Arundel course he mentioned a couple of times.

- Jimmy Kimmel vs Kanye West. Actually two videos but both funny.

- Jaguar hunts and kills a crocodile. Joe Rogan was also talking about this video.

- Lost "hit" Wunderbar by Tenpole Tudors. The video is not that great but the chorus really sticks in your head. Great drinking song.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

Red Sox fans love the fact that the Dodgers are on the hook for $15.75 million for Josh Beckett next season... If you want to understand how the Red Sox were built for success this season - you should read this piece by Peter Gammons... Men should not own either a fanny pack or Capri pants. This is non-negotiable... Rex Ryan needs to win 5 more games this season to beat the 5-year coaching record of Herm Edwards who went 39-41 in his time with the Jets... Because kids don't understand history - they probably think "the erection of the Berlin Wall" is something dirty... I still don't understand the logic of college athletics being tax exempt. I think if you removed the tax exempt status then the NCAA would crumble... A friend had a kale smoothie the other day. When he told me I thought he was making a euphemism for a green crap as in "I took a kale smoothie this morning"...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Floyd Mayweather tweeted "'Congrats @JManziel2 for putting on fantasy show' He may nt b able to make $ off himself and I can" and he attached this betting slip.

- Mariano Rivera is a great man. A great man.

- Cool photo of lightning in the Grand Canyon

- What does it look like when you put a camera on the back of a Bald Eagle? It looks awesome!

- Cool - how far did Rocky run during his training sequence in Rocky II?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Larry King Wednesday

Hi I'm Larry King and here's my thoughts for the day!

I can't help getting the feeling that Anthony Weiner was some sort of elaborate Borat-like prank from the folks from The Daily Show all-along... Snake Plissken? I thought that guy was dead!... Every home team is favored in this week's NFL action (although the Bengals are a pick at home against the Packers). Just seems strange to me not to see any road favorites... Forty-years ago yesterday - the great Martin Cooper of Motorola made the first handheld cellphone call. His first call was to Bell Labs to rub it in. His second call was to my radio show.... I confess that giving Tim McCarver a Dutch oven is on my bucket list. Going to eat lots of cheese that day too.... I take Metamucil for fiber but it is my morning cups of coffee that really keep me regular... Mark my words - that Cuba Gooding Jr. is really going to give Denzel Washington a run for his money as the best black male actor... I love eating Mrs Fields pie - Mrs Sally Fields!... Speaking of great young black artists - how about that Tracy Chapman? I expect great things from that gal... I may be out of the loop but for my money Motorola still makes the best cell phones...

Monday, September 16, 2013

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

I don't believe in calling any one TV show the "best ever" but I do have to note that between The Wire and this season's Breaking Bad - nobody seems to be bringing up The Sopranos as the "best ever" anymore... The octopus and the beer bottle... Al Gore is the same age as Hilary Clinton and 5-years younger than Joe Biden yet nobody brings up his name when talking about serious 2016 Presidential candidates. I take that as a sign that he's become a Manbearpig of a punchline...  Ha ha - this is awesome. Can't stop watching and giggling... I really hope the Cleveland Indians can make the playoffs... Fantastic jersey!... If an apple was magnified to the size of the Earth then the atoms of the apple would be equal to the original size of the apple...

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Art of Misdirection


Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Todd Helton is retiring at end of season - something many guessed at. Is he a Hall of Famer? I really like Helton but I would have to say "no"

- The guy who started the Kopi Luwak coffee craze says it has become a cruel scam and should be stopped.

- An invisible skyscraper? Some ideas are not destined to end well.

- Again I am surprised at how eloquent and insightful Russell Brand is. I should know better by now - the guy is an impressive writer and he is correct about our current reality.

- One GIF - 50 Chris Davis HR's

- Sebastian Junger - someone recognized as an eloquent and insightful writer - when the best chance for peace means war

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Dear Simon Pegg

Dear Simon Pegg,

Last night I went to your newest movie The World's End. I think you owe me $22.50!

I'm sorry but that movie was horrible. I was tempted to walk out but I kept hoping t would get better, that there might be one big belly-laugh that would salvage the movie in some degree but I waited in vain. I seriously rooted for you and your mates to get to the World's End just so the movie would be over.

There have been just two times in my life that I have walked out of a movie. Last year I walked out on Ruby Sparks. That movie was "critically acclaimed" but I found it beyond lame and tedious. In high school I walked out of an abomination of a movie called Basket Case. My date picked that movie and I then picked the option not to have another date with her.

What gets me is the ridiculous high ratings the three movies I linked to above get on IMBD. The World's End is currently at a 7.1 out of 10; Ruby Sparks is a solid 7 while Basket Case is at 6 out of 10 (I was sure it would be no higher than a 2 or a 3). Who is doing the rating at IMBD?

I guess I'm most disappointed because I'm a fan of your work Mr. Pegg. The movies Hot Fuzz and Paul were funny in a way I expected The World's End to be. I was disappointed when it wasn't even close.

Buy me a case of beer and we'll call it even.

Chris Lynch
Disappointed Moviegoer

NCAA Picks of the Day

Here's who I like in today's NCAA football action:

- Alabama -9 over Texas A&M. This could be a close game but if given the chance Nick Saban will put down the hammer on A&M. I think the Tide wins by 2 TD's.

-  South Carolina -13.5 over Vandy. As long as this stays at less than 14 points I like this game. Spurrier seems good at running up the score after losses.

I also like BC getting +15 against USC. This may because I'm a BC fan but you may want to look at BC as a team to tease or bet outright.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Whatever happened to the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome epidemic? Interesting question.

- Rocket Frog - awesome!

- Good news - Syracuse and Georgetown about to renew basketball rivalry.

- More good news - JK Rowling to pen Harry Potter related prequel movie EDIT: Link fixed

- This is awful and surprising. The name of the paper reporting is either ironic or an Onion spinoff.

- Better Call Saul is really happening.

- Speaking of Breaking Bad - this Jimmy Fallon parody Joking Bad is pretty funny. I thought it ran long but the final joke is well worth the wait.

- Student athletes or employee athletes? Interesting look at the legal side of the argument. I say employee athletes.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

Today is September 11th. This is a touchstone date for Americans for obvious reasons - even though the pain and the memory and the anger seem to subside a little each year.  The same is not true for many in the Muslim world. From last year's attack in Benghazi (a filmmaker? you have to be frigging kidding me as an excuse) to the fact that today marks the 330th anniversary of the end of the siege of  Vienna which basically ended Muslim attempts to conquer Europe by land... Interesting interview of the writers of Rounders - a sequel may just happen... Confession - I am 100% Irish but am much more likely to get drunk the first Sunday of NFL football than I am on Saint Patrick's Day. This year was no exception... Doug Gottlieb has an interesting and personal take on the Johnny Manziel situation... How the owners of all 32 NFL teams made their money...

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Top 5 - Questions for a Sunday Morning

Five questions I'm wondering about this Sunday morning:

1. A perfect baseball game is 27 straight outs. I wonder if there's ever been the opposite of a perfect game - 27 straight hits?

2. If David Hasselhoff came out with a book of poetry - would Germany name him Poet Laureate?

3. Just a reminder during the Iraq / Iran war the US remained on the sidelines hoping both sides wiped each other out. Why not the same strategy in Syria?

4. I wonder how many people who were so upset when it looked like Twinkies were going away have bought some since they returned?

5. Will the Patriots cover the 10 points today?

Warren Zevon

It has been 10-years and one day since Warren Zevon passed. He was the first person I ever saw in concert and I'll be able to keep him in my heart for more than a while.

Friday, September 06, 2013

Monday, September 02, 2013

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

On this date in 1901, Teddy Roosevelt delivered his "speak softly but carry a big stick speech". Today's President it seems has his own version - "speak off the cuff and carry no stick at all"... Penzoil mentioning in their new commercial that they know you sometimes use your car as a "baby-maker" is kinda creepy... President George W Bush's policy regarding Syria was one of isolation. The mess today is due solely to President Obama with assists to Pelosi, Clinton, and Kerry... Very cool interview of Jack Handey... When Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech during the march on Washington - Charlton Heston was on stage next to him as one of his body guards. If Heston was alive today do you think he'd be allowed anywhere near the stage? Good enough for MLK but not good enough for today's crowd... The science behind Sarin Gas... Having a guy like David Petraeus who had "been there, done that" when it comes to the military would have been helpful to the Obama Administration right about now... Excellent behind the scenes look at ESPN's College Game Day... Saw a commercial that was basically about using the Snuggie as a sex aid. "When the kids go to bed - that's when we break out the Snuggie". Roger Sterling probably thought that one up when on LSD... Jack Handey's Guards' Complaints About Spartacus...