1. Donald Trump will announce he's running in 2024. There's certain protections and financial benefits to being a candidate for federal office and the Donald will avail himself of them. Trump will hold massive rallies around the country and build a massive campaign war-chest while doing so. Don't be surprised if most of these rallies are in places with weak Democratic Congressmen or States Trump carried with Democratic Senators up for re-election in 2022. This will greatly effect the balance of power in Congress as many vulnerable Democrats will tilt their votes center/right in order to get re-elected. This at the same time will stifle any Progressive Democratic agenda for at least the next two-years.
2. Trump will not actually run in 2024. He will be up there in age and I'm not even sure if he likes the job. The Republican nominee will be Mike Pence.because that's who Trump will throw his weight behind. Nobody gets to be the Republican nominee in 2024 without Trump's endorsement. My guess is Mike Pence's running mate will be either Nikki Haley, Richard Grenell, or Ted Cruz.
3. Trump will create a media empire. He will make Oprah look like a piker. A TV channel, perhaps exclusive streaming rights to his rallies, podcasts, radio, and other media. Trump may even put in a bid to buy CNN. And the anger about what has happened during this election will feed the interest. And Trump will be sure to keep that anger stoked (rightly so).
4. Trump in conjunction with Senator Lindsey Graham will not leave a single Federal judgeship unfilled prior to Inauguration Day. In fact you may actually see them convince some older judges to resign in order to install younger judges in their place. The Federal Judiciary will be Trump's biggest legacy.
5. Once Biden is in office you'll surely see a stream of commercials from different vendors on how gold is a great investment and hedge against a downturn in the economy. It will be a barrage of commercials and advertisements.