Sunday, November 22, 2020

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

Do you have any idea what the worldwide demand of a movie called The Muppets Do Dallas would be if they used the original script and plot? Bigger than Avatar... I wonder if the sales of chewing gum is up since the pandemic? My guess is that it is as people become more aware of the smell of their on breath wearing masks... Katy Perry has a cat named Kitty Purry. That's so cute... If 2005's Fantastic Four with the same cast was made by Marvel under Kevin Feige with a director like Joss Wheadon or Taika Waititi it would have been a smash hit. I'll die on this hill... Stouffer's (the people who make stuffing) have a merchandise store. Guessing the Venn diagram of people who buy Stouffer's merch and people who are clinically obese is an almost perfect circle... The anniversary of JFK's death reminds me that the day he was buried at Arlington National was also John F. Kennedy Jr's birthday. How would you like to have had that reminder every year on your birthday growing up?... 

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