Chris Lynch's slanted view on sports, politics and entertainment. Please send thoughts or comments to
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Poor Charlie's Almanac
Charlie's basic guidelines were Preparation, Objectivity, Discipline, Patience, and Decisiveness. Some of these may seem at odds but Munger does a great job detailing why each is important. But over all was the to live in the present moment. Some other items seem so well known with Charlie and Warren Buffett always speaking about them like staying within a well defined circle of competence. Here's some more items to consider:
- "Remember that reputation and integrity are your most valuable assets - and can be lost in a heartbeat"
- "Guard against the effects of hubris and boredom."
- "Don't overlook the obvious by drowning in minutia."
- "Face your big troubles, don't sweep them under the rug."
"While poor outcomes are excusable in the Munger-Buffett world - given some outcomes are outside of their control - sloppy preparation and decision-making are never excusable because they are controllable."
"Well, the first rule is that you've got to have multiple [mental] models - because if you have just one or two that you're using, the nature of human psychology is such that you'll torture reality so that it fits your models, or at least you'll think it does."
"And models have to come from multiple disciplines - because all the wisdom of the world is not to be found in one little academic department."
"If you don't get this elementary, but mildly unnatural, mathematics of elementary probability into your repertoire, then you go through a long life like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. You're giving a huge advantage to everyone else."
"Which models are the most reliable? Well, obviously, the models that come from hard science and engineering are the most reliable models on this earth."
Halloween Memes You May Enjoy
Many a truth is said in jest.
- Heh Heh
Halloween Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Not sure about where you live but this "trunk or treat" is the new thing in my town where parents have pre-arranged parking lots where people set up at a certain time and the kids go from car to car to gather candy. Seems safer and more convenient but now I'm not even sure how many kids will show up at our house tonight and I just know that candy will be eaten by some person and that person is most likely me.
As always please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Have a safe and happy Halloween!
Quotes for Today
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Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Take Action
The habit of taking action is one of the most important habits one can develop in life.
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- RIP Teri Garr. Not the news I expected to wake up to. Hard to believe she was 79. She was forever young in my mind.
- Learn something new every day: Imposters stole thousands of pounds of cheese in England.
- "There was no question the Big Guy was Joe Biden"
- Niall Ferguson on using history as a practical time machine to address modern problems.
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Many a truth is said in jest.
- Didn't take long to become a meme.
Wednesday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Random observation on the power of caffeine: my quotes for today offering is almost always edited and posted before my first cup of coffee and I'm constantly finding simple errors I should have caught. Start my day off with a bottle of water first and then coffee. Is this the tax I pay for trying to have good habits?
As always please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Think I'll get my first cup of coffee now.
Quotes for Today
Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.
Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- Michael Wade: A few Great Leadership Novels. A good list of books. Read (or re-read) many of the titles and those I haven't - have added them to my reading list.
- Diets are bad. Ignoring child obesity is even worse, Good food and exercise should be common sense.
- Jets find a novel way to lose. Read it with a smile but don't be surprised if the NYJ pull the upset on Thursday night just to keep the interest in the soap opera going.
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Many a truth is said in jest.
- I'm an awful person for laughing at this
- Maybe the best political ad ever.
- Hitler finds out about Trump's "Nazi" rallies of the future.
Tuesday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Last night the Los Angeles Dodgers won game 3 of the World Series 4-2 and now lead the Yankees 3-0 and it no longer becomes a question of "if " the Dodgers can win but "when." Only questions remain is if this will actually be a Dodgers sweep and if Freddie Freeman can homer in 6 straight World Series games.
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Quotes for Today
Some quotes for today.
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Subjects That Should be Taught in School
Agree but also think if they brought back Home Economics and Shop classes that most of these other subjects could be taught in existing math, computer science, gym, or social studies classes. Think as most states move toward funding students not schools many schools will be forced to incorporate these subjects or face declining enrollment and funding. Also there's nothing to prevent home schooled kids from being taught these today. (Via)
Monday, October 28, 2024
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- Jordan Peterson on Trump's "X-Men" team.
- Reddit's "I can't believe other people do do this 'hack.'" Going to try some of these.
- Wow - just wow. Can't be unseen.
- How Progressives blew it. From the pen of a liberal.
Twenty Years Ago the Curse was Reversed
Nobody in Boston even talks about a curse these days. It's a faded memory. But not Wake - he lives on in the hearts of many.
Monday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
They should remake the “documentary” An Inconvenient Truth but this time instead of being about climate change be about how Joe Biden was shoved aside in favor of a clearly out of her league Kamala Harris. Come to think about it Bait and Switch might be an even better title
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Quotes for Today
Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.
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The Terminator
Hard to believe this movie was released 40-years ago. Harder to believe that Arnold Swartzenegger is now 77-years old. My childhood is slipping away. I feel old.
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- Peter Attia: Failure of reservatrol to improve metabolic health is another nail in the coffin for the alleged "anti-aging" compound. There goes the justification many people use for a red wine diet.
- The Boston Celtics unlike the New England Patriots embrace their past. A lesson there for both Robert Kraft and the new ownership groups who may hope to buy the Celtics.
- Michael Wade: Don't let politics ruin friendships. Just remember you cannot control the actions of others - just don't be "that" person.
- Wake up happier! Thought I'd try this daily uplifting email message app to see how it works. Will keep you posted.
Missouri Executive Order 44
"...the Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated or driven from the State if necessary for the public peace—their outrages are beyond all description."Missouri Executive Order 44 passed on this day in 1838. The law made it legal to kill Mormons in Missouri. The law was not repealed until 1976.
It blows my mind to think this law was on the books for 138 years!
Sunday Flotsam and Jetsam
Quotes for Today
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Saturday, October 26, 2024
Pax by Tom Holland
The above from Pax by Tom Holland. A very enjoyable book that detail the famous Roman Pax that lasted surprisingly much less time than may generally be thought. Times in Rome had always been tumultuous though much so during the Pax. Enjoyed the book and would recommend it.
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Many a truth is said in jest.
- As a divorces man and a Patriots fan I shouldn't keep laughing at this.
Saturday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Broke my own rule and bet on Rutgers against USC last night. To make matters worse - couldn't even stay up late enough to watch the game. Enjoy your college football Saturday coupled with the Saturday night Halloween parties which will be everywhere tonight.
As always - please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Do it today because the Day of the Dead is coming for everyone!
Quotes for Today
Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.
Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!
Friday, October 25, 2024
Friday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Think it would be cool to have a social media account that was just pictures of Voltron that had random quotes from Voltaire. You could call the account Voltaire-on.
As always please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. And I swear that Voltaire-on seemed like a good idea at the time.
Quotes for Today
Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.
Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!
Find Something Beautiful Today
It struck me as I was posting this that the saying "find something beautiful today" almost also comes with an unwritten commandment to also share it. (Photo via) Headline stolen borrowed from Execupundit who I'm forever indebted to for making me aware of the phrase.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- Will the China Cycle come for Airbus and Boeing? Never forget what China did to one-time giant Nortel.
- Philosophy explained (with donuts)
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Thursday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Spent yesterday afternoon golfing on a great course. It was one of those beautiful New England days where there was a slight breeze and colorful leaves were falling which made it possible to hit a drive straight down the fairway or chip near the green and still lose your ball. Don't want this to sound like a complaint because it was a beautiful October day and I was golfing with friends. Enjoy! Balls are replaceable.
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Quotes for Today
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Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Miami Vice In the Air Tonight
Wednesday Flotsam and Jetsam
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The movie The Departed was released 18-years ago this week. Hard to believe that the role made famous by Jack Nicholson was originally offered to Al Pachino. That would have been a much different movie. Also the parallels of Costello using multiple "spies" groomed since childhood and the communists government practice of doing the same has become more and more pronounced as time goes on.
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Quotes for Today
Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.
Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- From the archive: Astronomer creates Starry Night from images from the Hubble telescope.
- This letter to Politically Homeless makes me feel seen
- VDH on A Media Beyond Caricature. At long last have they no shame?
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Many a truth is said in jest.
- I don't care your politics this is funny.
Tuesday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Question has to be asked but has CBS News holding the full transcript of Kamala Harris's interview with the network hostage become this election cycle's version about the Hunter Biden laptop, or Hillary's fake Steele dossier?
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Quotes for Today
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Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!
Monday, October 21, 2024
Some Great Halloween Costume Ideas
People always struggle what they should dress their kids as for Halloween.
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Many a truth is said in jest.
- South Park making sense and being funny at the same time.
- I feel seen.
Monday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Had a great day yesterday (outside the Pats losing their game in the morning). NFL football all day, a good poker game, capped off by the Jets losing to the Steelers in the night game. I should be more upset at New England's loss but I recognize that we had it so good here for so long I don't allow myself to be disappointed. Plus the Celtics' season is about to start.
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Carlton Fisk Hits Historic Word Series HR
Quotes for Today
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Something About Mary's Version of Build Me Up Buttercup
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Many a truth is said in jest.
Sunday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
This morning the New England Patriots play a 9:30 EST game in London against the Jaguars. Looks like I'll be having some football with my bacon. Go Pats!
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Quotes for Today
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Saturday, October 19, 2024
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- The 30th anniversary of the release of the movie Clerks. Think most guys remember the conversation about the parking lot.
- ABC debate fact-checking of Trump ages poorly as FBI revises crime statistics. How can anyone trust ABC?
- Michael Shermer on Pseudo-Skepticism. Why some smart people fall under the spell of the woke-mind virus.
- Cops love using facial recognition, and withholding that information from defense attorneys. (HT Borepatch)
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Great Moment in Boston Sports.
A ton of Boston sports related things happened on this date or yesterday.
- Missed their loss on Thursday night but the players were obviously raised right.
- Saw this game. Also remember that Mike Lowell was a "salary dump" for the Marlins and thrown into the trade that netted Boston Josh Beckett.
Saturday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
If you watch Donald Trump's speech at the Al Smith Dinner two things stand out: first how funny his remarks were (he may have good writers) and also how nice he was to all the people in the room including Chuck Schumer (love your enemies?). Worth a watch if you haven't seen it.
As always - please Subscribe hit the Like button, or share the Link. Thanks and enjoy your college football Saturday!
Quotes for Today
Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.
Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!
Friday, October 18, 2024
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- NASA looks to be moving away from Boeing and going with SpaceX
- VDH on Election 2024: Those who lecture vs those tired of being lectured
- Gallup poll shows public trust in media matches record low.
- Countries ranked by GDP by hour worked. This skewers towards European counties because thei work fewer hours. Could also be an argument to work smarter not longer.
Find Something Beautiful Today
Fall just started but already I could use someplace warm. (Photo via) Headline stolen borrowed from Execupundit.
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Many a truth is said in jest.
- I'm an awful person for laughing at this.
- Many a truth is said in jest.
- Heh Heh
Friday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Part of me wishes this election would be over so that I can get back to writing about drinking beer and watching sports on weekend but mostly I just want it to end to hopefully stop all those unsolicited emails from DNC candidates asking for money.
Please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link and rest assured if you do sign up as a paid Subscriber it will probably go to books and beer. Thanks in advance!
Quotes for Today
Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.
Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- Charles Cooke not holding back: Kamala Harris is an Idiot.. Even people with TDS are admitting the truth.
- Bill Belichick previews this weeks NFL games.
Some Memes You Might Enjoy
Many a truth is said in jest.
- ABC News is going to have a hard time recovering from that interview.
Thursday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Saw an ad where a woman said she voted for Trump before but this time she's voting for Kamala. Had to wonder if this was a backhanded shot at either Hillary or at Joe Biden. Wonder how their supporters are taking that message. Especially after her latest interview on Fox News.
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Quotes for Today
Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.
Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!
Find Something Beautiful Today
Photo via. Headline stolen borrowed from Execupundit.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
A man is accidently cryofrozen in 1974 but is re-aminated into today's world.
Have a new post up on Substack you may enjoy.
Talk about waking up in bizarro world.
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- VDH on the Strange, Mythological Campaign of Kamala Harris
- The Daily Coach: From Box Office Flop to #1
- Eric McErlain on Dropping Out of the Jets Stream
- You can now get Unicorn Questing Licenses in Michigan. I've long said that Maine should issue Bigfoot licenses as a way to raise money. People would buy one just to frame and hang on the wall.
Wednesday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Reading Charles Mann's book 1491 and he puts forth that the reason people think of American Indians as nomadic hunters is because European diseases wiped out almost all centers of Indian settlements leaving little or no traces. That argument rings true to me. Of course that's what we were taught. That's all the later settlers saw.
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Quotes for Today
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Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!
Find Something Beautiful
The colors of fall (photo via). Headline stolen borrowed from Execupundit.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
More Linky Links
More stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- Heh Heh - Ontario College of Psychologists cannot find a "social media expert to publicly re-educate Jordan Peterson.
- Morgan Housel: Message from the Past (Thoughts on Nostalgia)
- Why I brought my 19-moth old daughter to watch SpaceX's flying skyscraper.
- Michael Wade's 12 rules for readers. Good advice.
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- Daniele Bolelli: Sacrificing to the Gods of the Algorithm. "Call me crazy, but I find the prize not worth the price," He's not wrong.
- Things keep getting worse for CBS News. Apparently they learned nothing from the example of Dan Rather.
- The New York Times is lying about Kamala Harris's plagiarism.
Tuesday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Learn something new every day: famed film director Stanley Kubrick was a supported of Ronald Reagan and Kubrick's own daughter says she doesn't think he'd mind Donald Trump using scenes from Full Metal Jacket in a political ad. In fact he'd probably support Trump too.
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Quotes for Today
Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.
Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!
Find Something Beautiful Today
Photo via. Headline stolen borrowed from Execupundit.
Monday, October 14, 2024
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Many a truth is said in jest.
- Must have been the editor's last day
- Heh Heh
- Can see this happening in Massachusetts
- With illegal aliens treating it as an entrance not an exit.
Chuck Yeager Breaks the Sound Barrier
Today is the anniversary of Chuck Yeager breaking the sound barrier in 1947. The sound barrier was the invisible brick wall in the sky that was so feared by many pilots of the day. He did so in the X-1 (X for experimental) over the Mohave Desert in a plane he called the "Glamorous Glennis" after his wife (who he named all his planes after for luck). He also simultaneously became the first person to create a sonic boom.
Great detail on how he was chosen for the program and broke the sound barrier in his autobiography Yeager. Worth a read (or re-read). There will never be another like General Yeager.
A Modest Proposal
Said it before but Columbus Day continuing to be a federal holiday also continues to be a divisive issue. On one side you have people who say Columbus was a genocidal imperialist monster and on the other proud Italian-Americans and traditionalists. I have a modest proposal with a solution which I think would be acceptable to most Americans.
On October 19th in 1781 the British forces under Lord Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington at Yorktown to end the Revolutionary War. America as a free nation really starts with this date. Why not celebrate the date as the new national holiday in replacement of Columbus Day? Yorktown Day could be celebrated on the third Monday in October. The unions would be satisfied since they wouldn't be losing a paid holiday. Italian-Americans couldn't complain since this in no way would be disrespecting Columbus and historically Yorktown is the more important date (beside Columbus really "discovered" the Caribbean not North America). French-Americans would be big supporters of the switch because the French fleet played a huge role in the victory. The only people who might complain are the people who are against glorifying anything that's even remotely militarily related but screw those people.
Have Yorktown Day replace Columbus Day. So let it be written so let it be done.
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- Ivermectin may not just be a miracle Covid treatment but also a miracle cancer treatment as well
- Matt Ridley: Is another pandemic really inevitable? (HT Steve Layman)
- How to focus on what's important, not just on what's urgent.
- AI scans RNA "dark matter" and uncovers 70,000 new viruses. What's next the human gut biome? Actual "dark matter?"
Columbus Day Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Not mentioning the Italians on Columbus Day is like not mentioning the Irish on Saint Patrick's Day but I have to bring up the fact that President Joe Biden wasn't at the historic launch and catch by robotic arm of SpaceX's Super Heavy rocket. Nor did he issue a release praising Elon Musk for the achievement. Total missed opportunity to trumpet the historic flight and American exceptionalism.
As always - please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Have a great Columbus Day!
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Sunday, October 13, 2024
More Memes You May Enjoy
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- The fallout at CBS continues.
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Many a truth is said in jest.
Sunday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
50 so called "Intelligence experts" signed a letter saying that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation while 51 Medal of Honor winners signed a letter supporting Donald Trump for President. I find the Medal of Honor winners much more persuasive.
As always - please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Go Pats!
Quotes for Today
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Saturday, October 12, 2024
Fearless - Pink Floyd
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- The greatest game I ever saw Pedro pitch. I forgot Dave Roberts was the centerfielder or Cleveland that night.
- California not even pretending anymore that they're not playing politics in delaying SpaceX launches from the state. SpaceX and Space Force should move all launches and related jobs out of California to Florida or Texas where they'd be welcome.
Saturday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Reportedly the Optimus robots will retail for about $20-30,000 each when in production. Can't you foresee any affluent household having one to do the little things around the home like dusting, mowing the yard, etc. They would make great companions for elderly folks who may have trouble with everyday tasks and just want something to listen to them. Also can't you see a new apartment building getting an Optimus to be a doorman? Think of the benefits and how much a status symbol that would be and how much less it would cost than an actual doorman's salary.
As always - please Subscribe , hit the Like button, or share the Link. Paid if possible because I'd like to get a robot.
Quotes for Today
Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.
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Friday, October 11, 2024
Currently reading Charles C. Mann's book 1491: New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus:
"Much of the environmental movement is animated, consciously or not, by what geographer William Denevan calls 'the pristine myth' - the belief that the Americas in 1491 were an almost untouched, almost Edenic land, 'untrammeled by man,' in the words of the Wilderness Act of 1964, a US law that is one of the founding documents of the global environmental movement."
"Researchers differ in the details, some scientists have theorized that the Americas may have been hit with with as many as five waves of settlement before Columbus, with the earliest occurring as much as fifty thousand years ago."
"The Olmec, Maya, and other Mesoamerican societies were world pioneers in mathematics and astronomy - but they did not use the wheel. Amazingly, they had invented the wheel but did not employ it for any purpose other than children's toys, Those looking for a tale of cultural superiority can find it in zero; those looking for failure can find it in the wheel."
It's a fascinating subject but the unfamiliar names of individuals and tribes coupled with the author's need to provide copious facts to prove his case can at some times make for difficult, dry reading. Much like Graham Hancock's Fingerprints of the Gods. Not sure if I'll make it all the way through this book. I agree with his case already but Jeez...
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- VDH: Try a little honesty about Israel.
- Keep saying the Gruden case against the NFL is worth keeping an eye on.
- Tesla Semi exceeds expectations in 3,000 mile trial with DHL
- Trump unveils new tax proposal. It goes over quite well.
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Many a truth is said in jest.
Friday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Tesla had their We, Robot event last night and unveiled both the CyberCab and the Cybervan (a bigger robotic taxi). Pretty impressive. The CyberCab is priced around $30,000 and should go into production in 2026. If Uber and Lyft or other competitors don't immediately start placing orders they may be missing the boat.
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Quotes for Today
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Neil Gaiman: A Study in Emerald
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Pepper - Butthole Surfers
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- The stress reducing power of humming. Think about it - do you know any stressed out people who hum?
- The beginning of a reckoning: the Middle East after Oct 7th. The tale of the tape says Iran is 12 times larger than Israel but I'd put my money on he Israelis.
- Bill Belichick's NFL Week 6 look ahead.
- Glenn Reynolds: Debt doom is coming. Steps I'd immediately take: eliminate all federal DEI programs, and funding for DEI. Any university that doesn't comply loses all federal funding. Cut all foreign aid to Ukraine and countries that don't have a reciprocal free trade agreement with us. Use those funds to help pay for any interest payments.
Thursday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
Learn something new every day: Hurricanes have a "lightning wall." Know this knowledge will become nightmare ammunition at some point. High winds, storm surges, and lightning walls are no joke. Hope everyone in Florida stays safe!
As always - please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Stay safe.
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Wednesday, October 09, 2024
Linky Links
Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.
- VDH: We Are in Need of Renaissance People. Agree 100%.
- Are we too impatient to be intelligent?
- Reminder: Joe Biden's first 100 days in the White House.
Wednesday Flotsam and Jetsam
Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.
The routine a little off today as I spent yesterday afternoon golfing in Cape. That's when I learned about the passing of Luis Tiant which was surprising. Made sure me and my cart mate had a cigar for the round in Louie's memory. Didn't have a good score but it was a beautiful day and I had a great cigar.
As always - please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Grateful I only had to yell "Fore! once yesterday.
Quotes for Today
Some quotes I hope may resonate with you.
Have a new Quotes for Today up on my Substack. As I've mentioned doing this as a way to thank those who have Subscribed. If you are a Subscriber - you should have received an email. Thanks!
Some Memes You May Enjoy
Many a truth is said in jest.
- Think every guy is with the dad on this one
- Trying to maintain a household
- Many a truth is said in jest
- Heh Heh