Monday, June 10, 2024

Can't Find My Way Home - Blind Faith


  1. Thanks, great song. Silly me always thought it was Clapton on lead vocals. I guess he does sound a little bit like Steve Winward,,, sort of. Ginger Baker was a terrific drummer.

  2. My mistake was always thinking this was a song by Traffic.

  3. I didn't know either. I was 13 at the time and now I google them it is all mixed up. Still great music.

  4. Saw Winwood open for Tom Petty at Fenway and this was one of the songs he sung. Heard it randomly recently and thought I didn't hear it enough these days. Song was well before my time when it came out but doesn't make it any less great.

    That and Low Spark of High Heeled Boys (by Traffic)
