Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday Flotsam and Jetsam

Have a new miscellaneous thoughts and observations post up on Substack.

Saddened by the passing of Willie Mays but also that baseball lost both an icon and its greatest living player. Current generations now may have to decide between Barry Bonds or Alex Rodriguez as the greatest current living player (non-pitcher). Look no further than that as why baseball is in decline. As always - please Subscribe, hit the Like button, or share the Link. Thanks!


  1. Largebill2:36 PM

    It actually further cements Mays' reputation that yesterday there was no real debate about greatest living ballplayer, and suddenly this morning there is considerable debate with more than a dozen different names thrown out. The two you named and Pujols, Griffey Jr., Rose (?), Koufax and several other pitchers (though I think it should be two separate categories), a few others and then Henderson. Henderson might end up the consensus choice for the anti-PED hardliners. At least until Ohtani, Soto or some other current player does enough to make a case.

  2. The two that came to mind for me were Ted Williams and Babe Ruth. But I also noticed there was no debate in part because you should never speak ill of the dead but Mays' greatness was undeniable. Rose being mentioned is laughable because Rose himself mention they were the same size yet Mays had 660 HR which dwarfed Roses power.
