Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Strange Dream

I awoke to a strange dream this morning. It involved tanks, Frank Sinatra and an old woman in a wheelchair.

I was in a small town and I was watching the tanks do urban combat maneuvers with Frank Sinatra and some old woman in a wheelchair. We were watching from a parking lot next to a field. The tanks that were practicing were firing on old broken down tanks that were placed around the town. The weird thing (as if the whole thing isn't weird) was that instead of explosive shells or even paint shells - the tanks were firing big black cannon balls which would bounce off the dummy tanks after a direct hit.

There was a dummy tank in the field next to the parking lot we were watching from and neither Frank nor I noticed but every time a tank fired at that dummy tank in the field - the old lady's wheelchair jumped a little from the percussion from the blast. One final blast sent her rolling backwards down a small slope into the field towards the dummy tanks. I rushed to save her but Frank did nothing but watch. I had to duck to avoid the incoming shots from tanks and I had to move the old lady around to avoid the cannonballs as the bounced off the dummy tank.

After much exertion I was able to push the old lady back up the incline and back into the parking lot. I awoke just as I was going after Frank Sinatra to give him a beating for not helping out.

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