Friday, March 22, 2024


Sometimes my dreams are very realistic mainly because they're sometimes of me doing some mundane task. Recently had one where I volunteered (for some reason) to set up cable and Internet at a vacation house we were staying. (Why we had to do this and not the landlord was another question I did not pursue.)

Anyway - we were staying in a small town in Maine that was served by Cablevision  and I was dropped off at the small local office and even waited in line to set up service. The strange thing is Mick Jagger was one of the people doing customer service behind the counter. He had a small role to play in this scenario but that was his job. It was very realistic.

My question is - do I now get to say I've met Mick Jagger? 

What tipped me off that it was a dream is that we have no upcoming plans to vacation in Maine.

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