Monday, June 13, 2016

Flotsam and Jetsam

Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.

Congrats to the Penguins for winning the Stanley Cup and to the City of Pittsburgh for another championship... Is Jimmy Rollins a Hall of Famer? I'm on the fence but tending toward "NO"... Wonder how people in Cleveland feel about Pittsburgh winning another championship while they are in the midst of a 52-year championship drought... For the geeky girls in your life... First Muhammad Ali then Gordie Howe. Who's next? Arnold Palmer? Hugh Hefner? Manuel Noriega? Bet that last one caught you by surprise. When's the last time Noriega's name cam up in conversation?... One of the best selfies ever... Jesus Fish and Chips would be a good name for a band... No thanks I don't need WiFi that bad...


  1. The only things Rollins was good for were running his mouth and popping out on first pitches

  2. Given that Rollins career OPS+ is just 95 (with "average" being 100) not sure how anyone can seriously make a HOF case for Rollins
