Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Harvey Weinstein and Barack Obama

You read about Harvey Weinstein and sadly you are disgusted but not surprised by any new revelations. That was true for me until I read that Barack Obama arranged for his daughter Malia to do a summer internship with Harvey Weinstein's company. That surprised and viscerally bothered me. I mean by now it should be clear that EVERYONE KNEW about Harvey Weinstein. You would have to assume that the man who had the FBI and CIA at his beck and call also knew. Yet that man still had his young daughter work for this animal? I'm truly disturbed by that.

I really do believe in the "Babysitter Test" for politicians. Simply put - would you trust this person to babysit your child. Mitt Romney passed this test with flying colors. Bill Clinton? No fucking way! In this just passed election I think Gary Johnson would have been the most trustworthy babysitter and for that and other reasons he earned my vote.

Say what you will about Barack Obama but I always felt he passed the Babysitter Test. Until now.

He let his baby girl work for Harvey Weinstein.

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