Wednesday, April 03, 2024

If I Were President for a Day

If I were President for a day I'd sign an Executive Order saying that if any digital asset or identity theft is caused by someone shown to be in a foreign nation then the victim(s) of the crime would be compensated from any Federal Foreign Aid going to that nation with that Aid package reduced accordingly. Once the aid package reaches zero that's when tariffs on any imports from that country would kick in.


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    First I would declare the data of or about any individual are forever returned to the person it is about. Everyone that has profited from the sale of data will return the stolen data and all monies gleaned from the sale.Then I would make planned obsolescence illegal and a failed business model that never reflected the values of this constitutional republic. Next I would institute a audit counsel with the sole job of fully auditing everything government that can abolish any law, dictate , policies or position that is not expressly found in the original constitution. Lets really make America great again. If not we wont be ready for the next world war.

  2. Start by auditing IRS agents.
