Sunday, March 09, 2014

Linky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Old time hockey! Terry Sawchuk the face of a hockey goalie before they started wearing masks. Reminds me of the mask Gerry Cheevers used to wear showing all the stitches his face would have had without it.

- Well done article on Rajon Rondo. I still say he's this generation's Tiny Archibald.

- Elizabeth Taylor at age 19. I'd eat that like a cheese cracker!

- The most important science fiction movie never made. Makes me want to re-read Dune again.

- Holy crap! All the regulations the Obama Administration has enacted in just the past 3 years!

- Interesting - The woman who can will herself out of her body

- A 102-year old man who has driven the same car for 82 years - a 1928 Rolls Royce


  1. My wifes Grandfather bought a 1928 Oldsmobile touring car new. Grandpa Ray was 18 when he bought the car... in 1934. It had gone unsold because of the stock market crash and depression.

    It was the first car he ever drove.

    In 1957, it was the first car his son Roger drove.

    In 1996, it was the first car his granddaughter, my wife Melody, drove.

    When I first met my father in law, in 2005, within a few minutes he asked me a question "can you drive a double clutch?".

    His test to see if I was a worthwhile man, was whether I could drive the Olds properly.

    Our son was born March 28th 2013... I hope in 15 years or so, that 1928 Oldsmobile, which will be 100 years old, will be the first car our son drives.

  2. The car, with my wife driving, back in 2003:

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  4. Chris - that's a cool photo. Hard to believe its been 11 years since the picture was taken.
