Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Congress Seeks Overhaul of NCAA Infractions Process

A bi-partisan bill is set to be introduced in Congress regarding the NCAA's "unfair, dawdling and lacking transparency" infractions process. The bill is named the NCAA Accountability Act of 2021.

Two comments. First is it ironic that a bill that criticizes the NCAA for "dawdling" is named the NCAA Accountability Act of 2021 but it is introduced in 2022? Also I've long held that the NCAA for many years should have faced RICO Act charges.


  1. I realize that this is a stupid comment in this day and age, but isn't the NCAA, technically, a private organization? Operating at the pleasure (heh) if its member schools? Yet no one bats an eye that the federal government sees fit to tell it how to run itself. The 10th Amendment is long dead.

  2. Agreed that Congress is much worse run and even more corrupt than the NCAA. It is private but does not have 100% voluntary membership. If a football team wants to participate in a bowl or March Madness they have to be members so there is an element of coercion.

    My big issue with the NCAA and college sports in general is that they are tax exempt. The NCAA has $1 billion in yearly revenue. Name another $1 billion organization that's tax exempt. If the Clinton Foundation didn't reach $1 billion a year in revenue. :)

  3. Even the Clinton Foundation

