Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Is China About to Turn on Russia?

Interesting analysis on whether Xi Jinping and China will turn on Vladimir Putin and Russia.  Realpolitik would suggest this is the most likely scenario. Both nations are weakened by the War in Ukraine and world events plus historically they have been luke-warm allies at best.

Most forget but in 1969 Russia and China were very close to an all-out war. According to Henry Kissinger, it was this fact that spurred much of the US's policies towards both countries with Nixon supporting China because he "decided that it was against American national interest to have China defeated."

What would be in America's best interest today? We can start with staying out of nuclear war. Other than that - the path forward is hardly clear.


  1. Stretch1:31 PM

    China will make a play for: The Trans-Siberian Railway, the cities of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk, and everything east of Amur River. Hell, they may ever try for the island of Sakhalin. THAT will bring Japan into the fray. I hate "interesting times."

  2. I predicted China may wait for Russia to get weak then try to grab some of the land on their border with Russia - land that is still contested by China as theirs. Turnaround is fair play - Putin really overplayed his hand.
