Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The Nordstream Whodunnit

The plot to the mysterious explosions on Russia's Nordstream pipeline keep getting more, and more interesting. Here's another wrinkle - did NATO try to destroy the pipeline back in 2015? Here's some compelling evidence:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Remember who was President in 2015 and who was his Vice President? Who's pulling the strings today? Something to think about. 



  1. I find the thought that we might have sabotaged the pipeline to be appalling. And one element that I haven't seen mentioned is, what about Germany? Loss of the gas could be catastrophic for them. Some people are predicting Germans freezing in their unheated homes this winter, even starving. A bit overwrought, perhaps, but there's no question that the interruption of their major energy source would be a disaster for Germany. Aren't they supposed to be our allies? And if NATO is suspected of bombing the pipeline . . . um, isn't Germany one of the key members of NATO? So we are trying to punish Russia by inflicting a crippling blow on one of our most important allies? Yeah, that makes sense.

  2. That's why I keep coming back to the explosions being the result of poor maintenance by the Russians as the logical explanation. We may have thought about blowing up the pipeline in 2015 but the circumstances were much different then than now.
