Tuesday, February 07, 2023

LInky Links

Stuff I found interesting or amusing and thought I'd share.

- Today's word for the day is "skeuomorph"  

- Nothing about the Chinese balloon saga makes sense. Agree - but we should still ban TikTok. HT Steve Landry

- Yellowstone may come to an end because of conflicts with Kevin Costner's western movie he's filming. But Matthew McConaughey said to be in talks to star in Yellowstone spinoff. Seems like Yellowstone in the new CSI of spinoff generation.

- Will the 51 intelligence officers who lied about Hunter Biden's laptop finally be held to account? I hope so.


  1. Largebill8:31 AM

    I wish I could share your optimism regarding accountability for the 51 intel liars. At the risk of appearing excessively cynical, I no longer believe in real accountability for anyone in DC.

  2. Actually share your cynicism but also am cynical enough to think these rats will start eating each other soon enough. Loom at General Milley being thrown under the bus over the Chinese spy balloon. The Biden Admin saying it happened during Trump's Admin too but Milley never told him about it.

    The Hunter Biden Laptop scandal may see many rats trying to take a bite out of bigger or smaller rats as the facts become undeniable.
